
S h e d d i n g

I found a storage shed on Sacramento Street to move my things to because my jollygreen footprint at ego ranch was too big, too early and too loud. 2.

Land lord said she wanted a monastery feel but the lightning inside me proved just too damn bright.

I'm loosing my skin and getting wings. In Be'tween.

Funny thing, I don't need my stuff now as I run ahead with Love and water the Seeds. No dresser, no drawers, no big black jumbo mumbo stereo -- just an old time chair and art desk perhaps, a light; some faded tees and torn coats. My old buddy Trinitron is toast.

I can swim at the pool, shit at the station, eat at the market, compute and profit at the wireless café.

And I can visit my books 24 hours a day. 07-09, from the dusty drawer