
"Modern Alchemy: Permaculture at Work" - Suzy Peltier (aka Lady Red Hawk) interviews Willi Paul on Spiritually Speaking: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Needs. VoiceAmerica Internet Talk Radio. Monday February 27, 2012 @ 2:00 PM.
"Modern Alchemy: Permaculture at Work" - Suzy Peltier (aka Lady Red Hawk) interview with Willi Paul on Spiritually Speaking: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Needs. VoiceAmerica Internet Talk Radio. Monday February 27, 2012 @ 2:00 PM.

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Saving Mother Nature has always been a high value in the Craft. Never before have the stakes been so high and the time so limited to tip the scales in both consciousness and practices. The answer is "permaculture"! In this show we chatted with Willi Paul, a tireless advocate, online author, publisher and educator on the topics of sustainability, jobs, innovations and the new mythologies needed for the Permaculture Age.