
"Three Monoliths & the Crystal Triangle Network", 2066 A.D. New Myth #50, Myth Lab #9 by Willi Paul
"Three Monoliths & the Crystal Triangle Network", 2066 A.D. New Myth #50, Myth Lab #9 by Willi Paul

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"Just before his death Joseph Campbell was interviewed by Bill Moyers and that interview was later turned into the documentary, "The Power of Myth." In this interview he postulated the idea that humanity was in need of new mythologies. Ones that were not rooted in the ancient world as all our current ones are. But myth's that would help us navigate this new and strange world we are creating."

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Three Monoliths & the Crystal Triangle Network. 2066 A.D. New Myth #50 by Willi Paul

See Trading Region graphic above

Post-chaos Era:

* After the last fossil fuels are fracked out of our Earth's belly
* After Monsanto shot itself in the hay loft
* After the GeoEngineers take away our Sun (to slow global warming)
* After the war b/w China and the west depletes souls and capitals
* After the remaining ice in the poles scream for life
* Our global water table rises shorelines beyond 10 feet
* Earthquakes fracture nuclear storage facilities
* Cataclysmic storms and fires explode communities from El Paso to Lake Superior
* 3 crystal alchemists dance in the frequency


In 2066, most differences in culture of commercial regime and human survival world-wide were deconstructed, neutered. The exceptions were the places that developed and protected localized energy sources with HUGE fences before the collapse like solar, wind and wave technologies. Towns and farmlands alike were scraped clean-off and abandoned by the rich and their tumble weeds. All communities were fracked to death and sucked dry. Gas gone; coal is gone; Marshall Law stuck its bloody knife into our hearts by a corrupted United Nations.

Enter three locals, "light alchemists" as they later were called, from three very different histories and myths. They have the opportunity to connect up in a survival triangle with ancient technologies and modern day chutzpah.

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Dal X. Smith
Mt. Shasta Resilience Clan
Smith is a scavenger by profession – of things and memories, anything she can sell. A former Transition scout and current fence jumper who lives in a dripping nose cave at the foot of Black Butte. She found her 16' tall crystal monolith unearthed in the remains of the former 2025's trading post on old Jefferson Street after a recent crazy ass rain storm.

Oaxaca Trading Group
Ponder, 14 years old, is not your average post-apocalypse white bread artist. One of 7 children without parents (killed in the last Mexican civil war), who drives a tricycle taxi. She is a barter champ with dump stuff and runs the food forest with friends in a former heavy weight rural prison turned sustainable community near Monte Alban. Ponder found her Monolith in the cracked spire of a small village Catholic Church after an earthquake demolished the structure.

Salli Bannish, PhD.
Kaho'olawe Permaculture Tribe
Bannish is a recent refuge from the States – after the global economic crash of 2055. She is an infamous storyteller, beach digger, seed saver and coconut tree visionary. She found her monolith in a sunken fishing boat near the harbor. Bannish thought it was unexploded ordinance. Not a bad guess?

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The Glow in the Dark 3

Ponder sat in front of the tall crystal, mouth agape. It was pulsing up and down its mass, a soft yellow orangeish light, with the cadence of a yellow traffic light at 2 am. Dal's monolith sparked to life at the same hour in her cave. She went to investigate some writing or symbols that were now revealed toward the base. Salli got the third call and tried to rub the symbols with parchment, like a tomb stone, to see what they could mean.

The three post-chaos explorers did not realize that all three monoliths were the same, exact duplicates. Instructions included. But they were not to discover each other until the monoliths were in "triangle" mode and charged with sun light and hieroglyphics.

Please see the Hieroglyphics graphic above

In 2066, only a few had the ways and means to access data offline in what was formerly called the "internet." The crew had only oral histories, books and their imaginations to decipher the simple glyphs on their crystal 'liths.

Salli prayed.

Dal tried, with no luck, to barter the tall mono for booze and farming tools.

Ponder, well, pondered.

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The Big Beaming

Then "event night" lit-up the crystals and the triad's consciousness to a level never before believed by a human or Hominoid before or since.
Two solid beams of 7" light emanated from each of the crystal locations, arcing into the night sky in two different directions.

A crystal monolithic network is born.

Then another miracle. Each "crystalonaut" heard each other's voice, a direct voice link x 3.

"Who is this?" cried Ponder!

"Salli Bannish, Kaho'olawe Permaculture Tribe!"

"Dal X. Smith, Mt. Shasta Resilience Clan. Where are you?"

"Oaxaca Trading Group."

"Are the symbols on the base of your monolith glowing, guys?" cried out Dal.

How long is this connection gonna last? asked Dal.

Who else can see the beams?

What are the plans and expectations of the designers?

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Send in your ideas to pscompub @
to contribute to part two of New Myth #50!