
"The Tree Pod Community" – "Resilience with Nature in the Permaculture & Transition Era" by Willi Paul, Media
"The Tree Pod Community" – "Resilience with Nature in the Permaculture & Transition Era" by Willi Paul, Media

Permaculture principles provide a set of universally applicable guidelines that can be used in designing sustainable systems. At least three of the twelve principles apply in the trees are:

+ Accelerating succession and evolution

+ Work with nature rather than against

+ The problem is the solution

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Tiny houses, tee pees, yurts, trailers, back seats. Enter a sustainable and protected living family relationship – the Tree Pod Community.

Key Specifications:

*Water catchment membrane – anchored by all three houses

*Rope netting hangs between houses, hanging under water catchment membrane for storage, meetings and fun

*Each Tree House specializes in a unique service: composting, cooking, growing food

*Rope and pulley to share material between houses

*Keep brush below cleared so fire danger is minimized

*During Earthquake, trees have natural elasticity

*Not survivalist but resilience!

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Other resilient ideas from Media:

target="blank">"Grid Town" (Permaculture Station) for the Post-Chaos Era + SYMBO Message 1.0 [video]. New Myth #65.

"The Permaculture Grid." A Prototype for the Post-Chaos Era. New Myth #63.

AfterLife in a Kansas Missile Silo: Interview with Larry Hall from .

"Four Zone Food Security System for a Permaculture Village." "Design for Resilience."