
"The Secret Food Forest" – New Myth 72. Inspired by the "Mythology, Spirit and Permaculture" Workshop @ 2015 Northwest Permaculture Convergence. PDF + Video. Willi Paul, Media
"The Secret Food Forest" – New Myth 72. Inspired by the "Mythology, Spirit and Permaculture" Workshop @ 2015 Northwest Permaculture Convergence. PDF + Video. Willi Paul, Media

The Triad

Sunn makes tofu and watercolors her worlds in an old Jetstream trailer with her sometimes big brother

Jake lives in an attic with a few mice and dust-topped boxes from relatives unknown

Roni lives above an ice cream shoppe, a telescope is his pillow

The three teenagers hail from the Alberta neighborhood, PDX, and hang together at the local summer arts school

The kids have an informal work for food thing going with Roberta, an elderly wise-woman friend with a permaculture-inspired garden

Composting, spot watering, weeding, harvesting and cooking fill their stomachs and keep all twelve knees and hands happy

The four see themselves as a Tribe (in a Tribe in a Tribe, etc.) The garden feeds them in multiple ways, in a seasonal dance and revolving tradition

A Tribe Mission

+ Exploration as Journey – Excitement as Initiation (alchemy)

+ Their Goal is to share findings with the community Hero

"Today it is time to find the passage to the Secret Food Forest," she exclaimed The trio wondered if Roberta had eaten the forbidden mushrooms or something!

"Find the Secret Food Forest, then" She drew them a whisper map in the soil around her chicken coop A diagram that was soon invisible by footprints

What the explorers did not know at that time was that a heart is involved

"Sit in a circle"

"Close your eyes and connect your hand"

Now chant: "Sea Soil Land Salt" "Sea Soil Land Salt" "Sea Soil Land Salt" "Sea Soil Land Salt"

"You can return back to the garden in the same way"

Jake, Roni and Sunn stared in wonder at the plants and animals in the Secret Food Forest. The messages came in chunks, supercoded in Nature's bliss:

< Beauty is diversity is resilience > -. -. A sacred place -. Lost -. Perfection -. Healthy Cycles -. Outside Time and Space -. -. -. PDX Utopia -. Eden and God -. -. -. Getting Called -. Safety, Sanctuary -. dodge + crawl -. < Symbols > -. Seeds -. -. Fruit -. -. -. Key Hole Design -. -. Mandala -. Light and Dark -. -. symbiotic guilds -. peace symbol -. -. yin yang -. -. -. barbwire fences < Sacred Ground > -. -. Birth Life Death Cycle -. Mystery -. Shadows -. Truth -. -. Authenticity -. Living the moment -. Life Force Energy -. Spirit -. -. -. Planting the seeds -. Respect -. -. Thanks and Praise < Resilience > -. Dandelion fights back -. -. Kids falling out of trees, again and again -. connection to land -. -. -. Wildlife -. Natural composting -. Songs of birds < Guarding the Gate -. Pact of secrecy -. -. -. Bond between 3 kids -. Journey of consciousness -. -. every rock and plant has a story -. Free Imagination -. -. Sharing the secret while maintaining the sacred -. Keep a tiny soil sample; water sample; seed sample in a neckless -. -. The Secret is your Hearts

The Community Heroes Return

"Sit in a circle."

"Close your eyes and connect your hands."

"Sea Soil Land Salt" "Sea Soil Land Salt" "Sea Soil Land Salt" "Sea Soil Land Salt"

They return with a wink to the backyard garden in Alberta PDX, all hugs to Roberta

Writing down the codes on their Apples

The kid's begin their creation stories and parallel lives

New circles to trust