
Orientation: "Center for Community Arts & Resilience" - San Luis Obispo, CA. "Permaculture Willi Adventure #5" - New Myth #89 by Willi Paul,
"Orientation: "Center for Community Arts & Resilience" - San Luis Obispo, CA. "Permaculture Willi Adventure #5" - New Myth #89 by Willi Paul,

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Permaculture Willi (PW) steps into the front door of the Center for Community Arts & Resilience (CCAR) and straps on a par of VR goggles as orientation instantly becomes an initiation of edu-tech, stinky compost and deli treats. How to integrate the programs and tools with her own vision?

The 12-minute VR tour of the Center drives an engine of potentials. Each department is illuminated and prior student work is highlighted. The New Mythology wing supports both individual and community story writing classes with an eye towards new global myth making. This is a rich database that supports "Cave Man to Norse to American Indian to our Post Chaos-Era" songs, poetry and stories. Story is a creative partner.

The second VR walk is hallowed ground for PW. The Permaculture & Transition wing is more like a think tank where resilience program and policies are debated. Students and guests address localization themes surrounding energy ownership, conservation measures and alternative, decentralized governments.

PW's virtualized attention span is now directed at the SpiritNature wing, an alchemic blend of Nature, symbology and sounds. Many of the incoming students in PW's class have signed-up with this focus as their major. There is a keen interest at CCAR to fire up new sounds and stories with music as the key bridge.

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Virtual Reality phases into just "plain old meet and greet" for Permaculture Willi and the new students and parents. The Kitchen Café not only supports the Center staff and students but sells healthy food to the greater community who are always welcome. Drought resistant plants and non-GMO seeds are cultivated in the CCAR Greenhouse where the growing cycle and soil are turned into song and dance each quarter.

Orientation winds up in the center of the building, under a huge glazed roof. Herbs are hanging from the edges, drying to be processed and sold. Students present their work in this space and use it as an incubator and classroom.

A large banner hangs over the Permaculture & Transition wing entrance that shouts:


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Enjoy the first four Permaculture Willi:

* The Adventures of Permaculture Willi ("P-Willi"): The Glowing Labyrinth. New Myth #55

* The Adventures of Permaculture Willi 2: Contest to ReCreate the Permaculture Logo. New Myth #56

* The Adventures of Permaculture Willi 3: The Bababerry Trellis Prayer. New Myth #57

* The Adventures of Permaculture Willi 4: The Big Seed Incubator - New Myth #86