
"The Neo-Nazis, Black Bloc, Permies and the Quakers." New Myth #101 by Willi Paul Studio /
"The Neo-Nazis, Black Bloc, Permies and the Quakers." New Myth #101 by Willi Paul Studio /

"Good design depends on a free and harmonious relationship between nature and people, in which careful observation and thoughtful interaction provide the design inspiration." - David Holmgren

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Anville and her permaculture friends are out-numbered today but hopefully not out-smarted. The group scribbled or pinned their big green circles and triangle on the front and back of old white tee shirts for identification, in sharp contrast to the black, red and white hoodies, bandanas and Nazi crosses on the two foaming hordes on either side of the town square. If God is here, he is headed out of town.

The mediators are pushing their resilience circle process to bring the Alt Left and Alt Right into Alt Dialogue.

"Let's set up the rings now, someone shouted."

"Not yet, coached Anville. Let's wait until the Quakers report in."

The warring camps are assembling and the police are guarding their barricades.

The sun is sweating.

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The Permies and Quakers hoped to defuse the tension and re-direct the anger and hate on the square with three dynamic human gears (circles), with people from each protest camp and the moderators. From a drone view, the pattern must look like a three-leaf clover or a highway interchange.

"The Quaker stewards are back!"

"3 hours until this thing blows up, cried Compo! Good news, we have 12 folks from each group to participate in the resilience work today."

As the logo suggests, three groups are interconnected to each other at key points on each circle. One huge task of the Quaker/Permie leaders is to rotate opposing people into each adjacent circle - two by two - until the three circles are composed of equal parts from each camp.

Discussion of concerns are moderated throughout the life of the circles. Commonalities are promoted while the selfish rants and fear-based weapons are put aside. The circles are designed to be self-healing in a loving, open-hearted human ecosystem.

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"You want to tear down our statue!"

"Oh no, I just want to share the pain and prejudice it means to me."

"OK - let's bring the civil war monument into the circle and hold it in the light for a moment."

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"But how can we be friends here, at such a place and time?"

"Are we not the same? Do we not share the same concern for our parents and children?"

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"What do mean: convergence on the square?"

"Lock arms with me."


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Similar meditations, surprises and positive results come from the three circles as tempers shift into vision generation and shared needs and feelings.

Then a contingent of rednecks, wackos, hoodies and farmers went into the two crowds of bewildered protesters and asked for a time-out.

"Please put down your signs and join us at the potluck!"

Hunger turned out to be a powerful cause.

The old civil war statue has stood for some new things ever since.