
"Symbols of Resistance - A Kid's Contest" by willi paul, new mythologist /
"Symbols of Resistance - A Kid's Contest" by willi paul, new mythologist /

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Sometimes resistance is a good thing, but at other times it can be bad. Symbols can help you chose the right path. - WOX

Scroll down to see the answers!

A. A great writer and researcher in the history of mythology

B. Backyard gathering

C. A company better adapt at taking your money than building community and social change

D. Something you blow to muster your friends at a street rally

E. A metaphor for the Cosmic Christ

F. A company that is wreaking havoc on agricultural crops and farms across the globe

G. A farm tool

H. A sound of peace and tranquility (or a measurement of electricity)

I. The champion ski racer who disavows any allegiance to Trump