
"Oceanside Trek - Sound Myth #8" by the chaos era. produced by willi paul &
"Oceanside Trek - Sound Myth #8" by the chaos era. produced by willi paul &

Listen on Soundcloud and YouTube

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- Soundings -

Are new sound archetypes surfacing? How? How are sound archetypes called-up/ re-called, empowered and / or re-forged with reference to present day cultural traditions, rituals, images, symbols, machines and instruments, voices, costumes, drugs, initiations, untested values by a small pool of artists, protesters and eco-alchemists?

Basically, we are reaching the deeper layers of our brain, the parts of the brain that deal with raw emotions and even deeper layers, the so-called primitive brain where involuntary body functions are performed. The sound archetypes are to be found at this layer of the brain and in the corresponding layers of the mind which is the collective mind of our species.

We live in the Chaos Age, within a deluge of gray areas, systems fatigue and complex transmutations including psychological sparks with unseen forces at the boundary between conscious and subconscious. Archetypes, and the more mysterious sound archetypes, are important flash points of memory charging, active listening and the new myths.

Primordial sounds are Nature-borne forces that are expressed through our subconscious to the conscious. Archetypical sounds are key to human evolution and are a prime source of new mythology throughout the ages.

It is up to all of us to learn to tap the unconscious / conscious borderland for new chants, spoken poems, trance songs and sonic rituals that we desperately need to evolve.

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- Oceanside Trek Journey Map -

Symbols: natural driftwood beach altar, fire, ocean, moon

Environmental Archetypes: Burning driftwood as ritual, moon worship

New Story: "ManPipe and the Ocean Clan. New Myth #39." "Myth Lab 2 - Imprinting the Transition for the New Mythology."

Sound Archetype: oceans waves, sparks popping from fire (physical to spiritual transmutation)

Sound Myth: "listening to the evidence from the apocalypse" by The Chaos Era. Sound Myth #7

Research: "Journey Mapping - Sound Archetypes and the New Mythology" with Research Questions

- Sound Myth Segments -

Shore Songs
Inlet Creek Wading
Natural Driftwood Beach Altar
Fire Prayers
Moon Rise
Seabirds Call
Ocean Meditation
Ocean Camp