
"The Mobile Maker-Stream Lab @ People's Tech Convergence" - "Regenerative Mythology" Journey #1. By Willi Paul &
"The Mobile Maker-Stream Lab @ People's Tech Convergence" – "Regenerative Mythology" Journey #1. By Willi Paul &

Ms. Clark, a retired chemist from the Valley, and President of the sponsor and spokesperson of the Women's Club in Burlingame, introduced the Makers to the People's Tech Convergence:

"The maker culture is a contemporary culture or subculture representing a technology-based extension of DIY culture that intersects with hacker culture and revels in the creation of new devices as well as tinkering with existing ones. The maker culture in general supports open-source hardware. Typical interests include engineering-oriented projects like electronics, robotics, 3-D printing, and more traditional activities such as metalworking, woodworking, and the traditional arts and crafts. Makers stress a cut-and-paste approach to traditional hobbies and encourages re-use of designs from websites and maker-oriented publications."

Ms. Clark is a little nerdy.

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Mid-afternoon at the People's Tech Convergence in Burlingame. Permies, Transitionites, a pack of 35 Girl Scouts and wide-eyed rabid recyclers from Richmond to Gilroy piled out of the Women's Club and invaded the curb.

No one could have predicted the stuff that people wanted to donate to the emerging Mobile Maker-Stream Lab. Rose was ready with her wish list.

"Hey, back there! Is that microwave?" she laughed. "Please bring it in here."

A kid from Berkeley, having lost his mother in the fray, dragged an ancient, dented, red-orange tool box full of wrenches, bolts, nails and screw drivers.

"We need that box." Where's your Mom, young man?"

"Inside somewhere, making a drone from a busted PC."


"I need a new modem." Called Rose.

"Here, got ya one!"

Fueled in part by the barter economy ethic, the community's share craft gear offering is for a great cause. Soon the Mobile Maker Lab will journey to more community groups, transmitting new regenerative values and stories and supporting events like this one with live streams and competitions.

Eventually, Rose accepted some computers parts, a few old cameras and smart phones, and a seed collection. All were logged-in and stored in the converted Air Stream for imaginations and conversions to come.

Rose, the Eco-Alchemist, has a month to install and test the new Mobile Maker-Stream Lab before her workshop at The MakerSpace at the New Museum, Los Gatos.

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Regenerative Mythology is a community of practice (CoP): a group of people who share a craft and/or a profession. Please join the Regenerative Mythology Group at LinkedIn to participate now. Other channels are coming soon.